13 Nov

The answer is probably in the name, but to give you a little more information, a log splitter is generally either a gas or electric powered machine that splits a log with minimal effort. A log splitter pries the log open down its centre with either a sharp metal wedge or a large screw that drills into the log splitting it down the grain after being chopped into sections we call ‘rounds’ by either a hand or chainsaw.

They are perfect for making short work of large logs to be used as firewood, and if you are familiar with trying to split logs manually you will know that this can be slow and laborious work.

Most log splitters are made up of a hydraulic or piston rod that is powered either manually, or by an electric or gas engine. The power the log splitter generates is measured in tonnes, with a higher pressure rating being able to split larger logs.

An average log splitter for use at home to split logs for an Aga or wood-burning stove for the winter may generate around 10 tonnes, with industrial models moving up to about 25. Manual log splitters for smaller logs use leverages to force a sharpened blade into the log, and are still very effective at splitting smaller logs. Finally, tractor log splitters are made to power a large screw attached to the PTO shaft that drills into a log to split it.

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